
Common childhood illnesses and health advice (DRAFT - Best start)

Common childhood illnesses and health advice (DRAFT - Best start)

If your child is unwell or needs medical help, find out how you can support them.

There are several websites and apps with advice and guidance on what to do if your child needs medical help or is unwell.

The NHS website has information about different illnesses and conditions in babies and children:

This includes topics such as:

HANDi app

If your child is unwell, use the HANDi app to check their symptoms and get instant, NHS-approved medical advice.

Developed and approved by Paediatric Consultants, the HANDi app provides expert advice on how best to manage the most common childhood illnesses, including:

  • diarrhoea and vomiting
  • high temperature
  • 'chesty baby’ illnesses, such as bronchiolitis, asthma and croup
  • 'chesty child’ illnesses such as wheezing and asthma
  • abdominal pain
  • common new-born problems

The app is free, and can be downloaded to any Apple or Android smartphone or tablet.

More information can be found here:

Using the HANDi app

The Baby Check app

The Baby Check app is designed for babies up to six months of age and features 17 simple checks that parents can do if their baby is showing signs of illness.

Each check tests for a different symptom and, when completed, the app tells parents or carers whether their baby needs to see a health professional.

The Health Visiting Telephone Advisory Service (TAS)

If your child is under 5 years old and you need advice on health issues, worries and concerns about your child, you can contact the which is managed by local

Please note: You will speak to a member of the health visiting team, but the member of staff you speak with will not be medically trained, if your child is unwell or you have any immediate concerns, please contact the most appropriate service such as: Pharmacist, GP, NHS: 111 or 999.

The TAS service is available Monday to Friday between 9:00am to 1:00pm by calling: 01905 520032 

Find out more:

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