
Mental and emotional wellbeing

Mental and emotional wellbeing

Useful resources to help you support families struggling with mental health.

Advice and support for parents who have children or teenagers with mental health problems. 

The death of a loved one or close friend is one of the most difficult times in each of our lives. Whether this is expected, following a long-term illness, or sudden and unexpected, the grieving process is deeply personal.

Support and advice if you lose a loved one or close friend

 a support service available to people impacted by road crashes. They provide information and support services to people bereaved or seriously injured in road crashes.

Consultation, Advice, Supervision and Training for professionals working directly with children and young people experiencing or at risk of mental health difficulties.

Do your pupils know about ChatHealth? ChatHealth is a secure and confidential text messaging service for young people aged 11 to 19 to get in touch with a school health nurse for advice and support on a range of issues, including:

  • bullying
  • exam stress
  • relationships
  • drugs and alcohol
  • healthy eating
  • sexual health

ChatHealth offers pupils a different line of communication, as well as the anonymity of getting in touch and still accessing the support they need. ChatHealth can be accessed between 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday by texting: 07507331750.

ChildLine offer free advice and support to children who require it. You can call on 0800 1111 and speak to a member of the team or you can have a 1-2-1 chat with a counsellor online.


It offers hundreds of articles to help families support children who are struggling with mental health, behaviour or learning challenges. Now we’re excited to announce that this same essential information is coming to YouTube, delivered by our expert clinicians straight to your TV, laptop or mobile device.

You can find the first videos on the channel now and we’ll be posting new videos weekly on topics from behaviour and anxiety to screen time and parenting challenges. Visit our 

If you happen to miss viewing any of the videos on YouTube, you can find them (and all future videos) on the 

Kooth is staffed by fully trained and qualified counsellors and is available until 10pm each night, 365 day per year. It is free, safe and provides a non-stigmatising way for young people to receive counselling, advice and support online.

Self-care tips for young people.

Mentor Link is dedicated to supporting vulnerable and distressed children and young people by providing them with a volunteer mentor.

Free educational resources on children and young people's mental health for parents, carers and professionals.

NHS website offers information on conditions, symptoms and treatments, including what to do and when to get help. For further advice please call 111 or you local GP surgery. If you are in immediate danger and have a life - threatening condition please call 999.

Suicide prevention support, offering free and confidential helplines, advice, webchats, and resources 

Reading Well for children provides quality-assured information, stories and advice to support children’s mental health and wellbeing. It covers general information and advice about understanding and managing feelings, school and online pressures, bereavement, parental mental health needs, and living well with specific diagnosed conditions and physical disabilities.

Reading Well for young people recommends expert endorsed books about mental health, providing 12 to 18 year olds with advice and information about issues like anxiety, stress and OCD, and difficult experiences like bullying and exams.


Support and mentoring service for young people aged 15 to 24 years who are NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) or at risk of NEET, living in È«¹ú̽»¨.

They offer one-to-one advice and guidance sessions to recognise personal strengths and potential, build positive relationships, improve confidence and self-esteem, support mental health (stress, depression and anxiety) and support young people to apply for appropriate opportunities and pathways into education, employment and training.

Simply Limitless provides Mental Wellbeing services for all in the Wyre Forest area (Kidderminster, Stourport-on-Severn, Bewdley plus several civil parishes and their districts). They help people to improve their mental health and support those who are the most vulnerable in the community.


Bereavement support for children and young people following the death of a sibling, parent or a person important to a child.

WOO is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone; children, young people, young adults and older people, who are struggling to cope. Text 'WOO' to 85258.

YoungMinds aim to help you understand more about how you're feeling and find ways to feel better, or ways you can support someone who's struggling.

Youth clubs, groups and activities across the county. This includes open access youth clubs and targeted groups.

Free access to Mental Health & Wellbeing Hubs across the county for young people aged 11 to 25 years. For those aged 16 and over you can refer yourself or just turn up. Those under 16 will need a parent or professional referral (eg teacher, school nurse, GP) and parental consent. Parent/professional and self referral forms are available on the Onside website.

Hubs are located in Redditch, Worcester, Droitwich, Evesham and Malvern.

There are lots of organisations and networks who provide advice and support for specific groups. It can help to connect with other young people and supporters who understand you:

  • - if you identify as LGBTQ+
  • Barnardo's – and help if you are a facing homelessness
  • – for support with eating disorders
  • – for children in care and young care leavers
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