Tip us off at Trading Standards
Pass on information about trading standards issues.
Pass on information about trading standards issues
Our trading standards team relies on information from members of the public and businesses to target resources at issues which cause consumers and legitimate businesses concern. You do not have to give us any personal information.
Do not use the form for supplying information if you need advice - this is just for reporting something you feel is not right.
We may not respond to you. Even if we act on your information.
This reporting form is not intended for the use of partner agencies who should use existing reporting mechanisms.
It must not be used to report matters that require urgent attention. Please report such matters, i.e., trader on site demanding money to the
If you need to speak to someone for help or advice concerning goods or services, please contact the .
The issues we need you to tell us about
- the sale of counterfeit or illegally imported tobacco and cigarettes
- traders calling on vulnerable residents to offer gardening, roofing, and driveway work etc
- supplying counterfeit goods
- home working scams
- traders exploiting vulnerable residents by selling them overpriced or mis-described goods or services
- traders supplying age restricted products e.g., tobacco, alcohol, knives, or fireworks, to children
- illegal money lending activity - known as loan sharks
- scam mail (for example lottery win letters)
- food and drink fraud including fish or animal species substitution (e.g., cheap white fish sold as cod) or false place of origin claims
- welfare of animals