
Investing in the Young Workforce

Investing in the Young Workforce

Information on how you market your business to young people and grow talent for your business.

Grow your future workforce

Are you concerned about your future workforce?

How do you market your business to young people and grow talent for your business?

Take a look at the Careers and Enterprise Company Initiative

Careers and Enterprise Company – Join us to inspire the next generation

È«¹ú̽»¨'s Enterprise Adviser Network

The purpose of the Enterprise Adviser Network is to create powerful, lasting connections between local businesses and the schools and colleges in their area.

Enterprise Advisers (EAs) are volunteers drawn from businesses who will work directly with the school’s leadership team to develop effective employer engagement plans to support schools in their careers advice and careers planning for young people. They will work with other local businesses to equip young people with the skills they need.

Each EA will be allocated one school or college and will be supported by a full time Enterprise Coordinator. È«¹ú̽»¨'s Local Enterprise Partnership has created a coalition of local organisations working in this space to ensure that EAs can help schools and colleges navigate what is often a fragmented environment.

If you need any more information please contact the Skills and Investment team on csab@worcestershire.gov.uk.

È«¹ú̽»¨ Apprenticeships

È«¹ú̽»¨ Apprenticeships was established in 2014 by a number of partners including È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council; the service provides a one stop shop for apprenticeship enquiries in È«¹ú̽»¨.

For employers this can help them to understand how to employ an apprentice, where to find a suitable training provider to fulfil the company's requirements, signposting on grants in the county to support the set-up of these programmes and finally support you to find your young person for your business.

For more information see .

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