Transforming Public Procurement
Contracting authorities and suppliers will need to follow new legislation to undertake public procurement for any new projects from 24 February 2025.
Go-live update
The Procurement Act 2023 will go live on 24 February 2025. In the final few weeks leading up to its commencement, Cabinet Office are focusing on publishing 'how-to' guidance for suppliers, ensuring they are prepared to register and use the new central digital platform once it opens. They are also onboarding contracting authorities to the platform in advance of go-live and promoting the Procurement Act 2023 guidance, as well as Community of Practice events, for procurement practitioners so they are fully equipped to operate under the new rules.
The new is currently being finalised, following their stakeholder survey last year and a series of roundtables hosted by Minister Gould. We will issue a dedicated update once the new NPPS is published.
If you have more specific points or questions you wish to raise, please do contact us at: procurement.reform@cabinetoffice.gov.uk.
The Central Digital Platform (CDP): video guides and user manuals now available
From 24 February 2025, suppliers will be able to register on the central digital platform - the new enhanced Find a Tender service.
To help prospective suppliers and other stakeholders prepare the Cabinet Office have published video guides with accompanying PDF user manuals. These guides will give you an overview of the platform, the registration process, and the information you will be asked to provide so that when the time comes your registration will be straightforward.
You can access the videos through a dedicated TPP GOV.UK supplier page, , where suppliers will also find links to the associated user manuals.
You can also access each of the videos directly using the links below:
- for suppliers:
- for suppliers:
- for buyers and suppliers:
We want to ensure that anyone, whether an individual or organisation, who wants to search for and bid on public procurement contracts knows that from 24 February, there will be a single place – the new Find a Tender Service – where all public sector tenders and other notices can be found. Additionally, prospective suppliers must register on this service if they wish to bid for any contracts.
This will be an important piece of legislation that will change the way the public sector buys goods and services. As a contracting authority this will impact the way we do business with our suppliers, so if you commission services, goods or works, you will need to know about these changes and our plans to prepare for go-live.
The existing procurement regulations will continue to apply for contracts that are already in progress, and for procurement projects started under the current regime, however for all new procurement projects post October, it is important that you understand the change. During the next few months of preparation, we will start providing you with updates and let you know nearer the go-live date when you may need to take action.
The Cabinet Office, who are leading the Transforming Public Procurement programme, will also be providing regular updates, therefore if you haven’t done so, we encourage you to subscribe to their update bulletin and check in to the . There are also plenty of conferences and events where the team are explaining how things will be different under the new regime.
For all your programme and policy questions relating to implementation of the Act please email our service desk at procurement.reform@cabinetoffice.gov.uk
The contains a range of information about the programme including details of our Learning and Development package, guidance documents to help planning and preparation, and an outline of the benefits of the new regime for contracting authorities and suppliers.