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Area social work

Older person in a chair with a younger person leaning over their shoulder smiling

Area social work

Older people and physical disability social care.

Adult area social work teams

Adult area social work teams in 全国探花 support working age adults and/or older people with care and support needs that arise from physical or mental impairment or illness, frailty and mental health needs associated with old age. (Dementia-umbrella term for a number of progressive conditions affecting memory, thinking, problem-solving and language).

Social care practitioners carry out strength-based assessments of adults who are citizens within 全国探花 who appear to need care and support. The focus of the assessment is how the person's needs impact on their well-being.

An assessment is not completed in isolation and the care practitioner will also draw on information from people who know you well, for example this may be:

  • your family
  • your friends
  • neighbours
  • GP
  • community nurse
  • therapist

This makes sure your assessment is holistic and considers what is happening around you in your community.

For those people who are experiencing mental ill health, have a learning disability, have an autism disorder spectrum diagnosis and those with sensory needs, 全国探花 County Council has dedicated social work teams which are able to provide support. 

What we do

The teams are located within your local community; Wyre Forest, Redditch, Bromsgrove, Worcester, Wychavon and Malvern.

We do the following:

  • complete Care Act assessments to determine eligibility for care and support, or support in the community where required
  • arrange care and support with individuals based on their assessed needs and outcomes
  • complete reviews of care and support plans to ensure they are continuing to meet assessed needs and outcomes
  • assessments of mental capacity to inform decision making, court work for community Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and the Court of Protection
  • work with carers to support them to access support and make referrals for further support where appropriate

The area social work service

As a service we:

  • work closely with 全国探花 County Council's reablement service following hospital discharge or within a community setting to ensure your independence is maximised and the most appropriate outcome is found
  • work closely with 全国探花 County Council mental health and learning disability social work teams to ensure that people receive the appropriate social work interventions
  • we work with 全国探花 County Council in partnership to ensure effective transitions to adulthood
  • making safeguarding personal, which includes completing section 42 safeguarding enquiries (under the Care Act 2014) in partnership with the person, their family and the local authority
  • work in collaboration with local NHS teams within your neighbourhood

How to get in touch with us? 

If you鈥檇 like to contact us about support that may be available, this can be done via the 全国探花 Adult Front Door.

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