
In this section

Returning home from hospital with care and support needs

Returning home from hospital with care and support needs

When leaving hospital from either a planned or emergency stay you might need some support when you return home.

Support after leaving hospital

You may be able to return home from hospital independently without any additional support however if the ward staff think you’ll need help once you get home È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council can support you.

What help is available?

We can provide you with advice, information or an assessment of your care and support needs. 

During an assessment, we'll review your needs to see what works best for you. We want to support you to live as independently as possible. This may be at home or other suitable accommodation. 

Support for your own care needs

You, your family or your carer can request a care and support assessment from us. Information about this can be found at assessments and eligibility for your care and support needs

Or get in contact for a care and support assessment.

Support if you are a carer or looking after someone

If you're a family carer, you can request a carers assessment of your own needs. You can do this as part of the assessment of the person you care for. Further information can be found at our support for adult carers page.

What happens after I am discharged?

We aim to support what works best for you when you're discharged from hospital.  

We'll work closely with our NHS colleagues to find out what outcome you want, and help you achieve that outcome.   

The services we consider together for you may include:  

We work closely with Complex discharge planning nurses. They can assess and organise the provision of community nursing equipment.


What help is available if I can’t go home yet?

We can arrange a temporary residential or nursing care bed for you on a short-term basis.

This is after your discharge, while either: 

  • you wait for domiciliary services to become available 
  • decisions are made for your future long-term care

How much will it cost me?

The amount you might have to pay towards your care depends on your savings, income and other factors. 

You can find out more about paying for care.

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