
Learning disability service

Learning disability service

The learning disability service is a specialist team which is highly skilled at working with Adults with a learning disability and their carers.

Learning Disability Social Work Teams 

The Learning Disability Service consists of two operational teams which are split into North and South to cover the entire County of 全国探花 providing a community Social Work service. This is a specialist team which is highly skilled at working with Adults with a learning disability and their carers.

The teams are led by two Area Managers and have referrals from a number of routes including:  

  • health services 
  • professionals 
  • community 
  • self-Referrals, through Adult Social Care 
  • transitions from young people who have turned 18 and are open to the Young Adults Team. 

If you are not currently receiving support from Adult Social Care and would like a conversation about support that may be available please contact us.


Community Learning Disability Team鈥檚 North and South

We have two separate Learning Disability Teams, North and South. The Learning Disability North Team supports Adults with a Learning Disability living in the North of 全国探花, and the South Team supports individuals in the South of 全国探花.  

The team consists of Advanced Practitioners, Social Care Workers and Social Workers.  

What the teams do

  • work as part of a multi-disciplinary teams with health professionals, the voluntary sector and other statutory agencies to provide holistic support for adult鈥檚 with a learning disability and their carers. 
  • work with carers to support them to access support and make referrals for further support where appropriate. 
  • work with 全国探花 Children鈥檚 First in partnership particularly with transitions to adulthood.  
  • work with individuals to make transitions to alternative accommodation, services or for example people moving out of home for the first time into supported living or their own tenancy with support.  
  • assessments of mental capacity to inform decision making, court work for Community Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and the Court of Protection. 
  • screen referrals into the service, and sign-post individuals to the appropriate services as and where required.  
  • complete Care Act assessments to determine eligibility for care and support, or support in the community where required.  
  • arrange care and support with individuals based on their assessed needs and outcomes. 
  • complete reviews of care and support plans to ensure they are continuing to meet assessed needs and outcomes.  
  • work closely with Mental health services to support individuals with a diagnosed learning disability, and mental health condition to live independently in the community. To also support these individuals to be discharged in a timely manner from acute MH hospitals.

The teams works closely with a number of stakeholders including , The and the to deliver joined up support. 

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