
Request new infrastructure for cycling and walking

Request new infrastructure for cycling and walking

Make a request for new infrastructure, or to improve existing infrastructure.

Footway widening

When there is a narrow footway, you can request for footway widening.


If you need support with using steps or gradients, you can request a handrail.

New footway

New footways are created to accommodate access for all pedestrian users, including wheelchair/mobility scooter and pushchair users.

New right of way, bridleway, byway or restricted byway

Public Rights of Way can be found in towns, villages and the countryside.

Pedestrian and/ or cyclist crossing

Pedestrian and/ or cycle crossing improvements provide the opportunity for pedestrians and cyclists to cross the road more safely.

Pedestrian barriers

The purpose of a pedestrian barrier is to guide pedestrians where there is a potential for conflict between pedestrians and vehicles.

Pedestrian or cyclist signage

Signs play a vital role in directing and informing users.

Pedestrian dropped crossing

You can request a pedestrian dropped crossing if you require easy access for a wheelchair/ mobility scooter or a pushchair, or if you are visually impaired.


You can request a disability ramp if you require access for a wheelchair/ mobility scooter or a pushchair or you may struggle with steps.

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