
Pay for school and college travel assistance

Pay for school and college travel assistance

Paying for under 16 travel assistance

Find prices and make payments under 16 travel assistance.

Paying for over 16 travel assistance

Find prices and make payments over 16 travel assistance.

Order a replacement travel pass

If you have lost your pass or had it stolen, please complete the form and make payment, so a new pass can be issued to you.

Paying for your Severn Card

You can pay for your Severn Card online either annually, termly, half termly or by 9 monthly Direct Debit payments.

Paying for your Vacant Seat

You can pay for your Vacant Seat online, either annually, termly, half termly or by 9 monthly Direct Debit payments.

School and college travel assistance Direct Debit scheme

We are now able to offer the option of paying by direct debit.

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