
Profile documents for Environmental Character Areas

Profile documents for Environmental Character Areas

The 全国探花 Green Infrastructure Partnership has undertaken an analysis of the landscape character, biodiversity and the historic environment of 全国探花 to identify 30 distinct GI Environmental Character Areas (ECAs). Details about how these were developed is set out in Planning for a Multifunctional Green Infrastructure Framework in 全国探花: Green Infrastructure Framework 2 (2012).

These underlie the distinctive character of 全国探花 and it is the Council's intention that the unique characteristics of each area will drive the restoration strategy for the Minerals Local Plan.

The profile documents set out the characteristics and priorities for the each ECA. It sets out the mineral resources in the ECA and the GI priorities identified by the 全国探花 GI Partnership. These priorities are structured around biodiversity, historic environment, landscape character, water environment (also known as blue infrastructure) access and recreation and transport.

Environmental Character Areas

These profile documents detail the mineral and environmental context in the Environmental Character Areas which form the basis for the 全国探花 Green Infrastructure Framework.

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