Starting Your Own Business
Having a business idea is the first step towards creating your own business.
Starting a business can be both challenging and exciting
There are lots of considerations even at the ideas stage towards creating your own business. It doesn’t matter what type of business you want to start – the same basic principles apply.
Download: È«¹ú̽»¨ Start up Guide and the Top 10 Tips
Taking action and researching your business idea will help you to maximise your chances of success. To discover some of the other considerations including why you should start your own business and advice on your business idea visit
You can also visit È«¹ú̽»¨ Growth Hub for well-informed information and signposting:
- Business Planning
- Legal Structure of Businesses
- Business Insurance
- Regulatory Requirements
- Market Research
- Business Tax
- Employing People
- Importing and Exporting
- Finance and Funding
- Running a Business from Home
- Premises
- Graduate Start Ups
- Start-up Checklist
Follow the link below to watch useful TedTalk videos about people who have started their own firms and how they found success and even failure. It is important to remember failure is part of a business becoming successful. Within the link there are numerous talkers who explain the different difficulties faced in starting a business and how they overcame them, as well as how they became successful.
It is also important to have a reason for setting up a business. Without a reason a business is futile. Business’ aren’t always there to make a profit but having a clear idea on why you want to start a business, will help you in the long run.
Have you done all of your research and are ready to start your business plan?
Princes Trust provides a detailed guide on how to write the perfect plan, including tools and templates to support you
Princes Trust also run an Enterprise programme, a free business programme for 18 to 30-year-olds which helps you turn big ideas into a business reality. The programme is packed with training from their team of experts to help you plan and test your ideas to ensure they're successful. As part of this, market research is key, to help you understand your target audience. The more you do, the easier it will be in the future to make decisions about your marketing strategy, pricing, budget and sales target. To find out more about the programme and the supporting tools offered by Princes Trust visit their website:
Grants and Funding
There are a variety of grants and funding schemes that are available both throughout È«¹ú̽»¨ and Nation-wide in order to support you with starting up your business.
The following websites explain the different options available and how to
apply for the grants and funding.
Enterprising È«¹ú̽»¨
The Enterprising È«¹ú̽»¨ programme is funded by È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council, the District Councils and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The Programme offers a variety of support to enable start-up and early stage enterprises to develop and prosper. From Start-up workshops to help you get your business off the ground to grants and early stage support that will help your business grow
Full eligibility criteria applies. For more information, and to check eligibility please contact È«¹ú̽»¨ Growth Hub on 01905 677888 or visit their website:
You can also email info@business-central.co.uk to register your interest in participating.