Offer work experience opportunities for young people
Work experience provides an opportunity for young people to experience what happens in a ‘real’ working environment.
Offer work experience opportunities for young people
È«¹ú̽»¨ Education Business Partnership (EBP) works closely with schools and employers to ensure a comprehensive database of work experience opportunities are available for young people to easily access through their educational establishment.
Work experience is one of the most important links between employers and schools. It provides an opportunity for young people to experience first-hand (and often for the first time) what happens in a ‘real’ working environment.
The process to register your company to offer a work experience opportunity is simple and straight forward. Our team will guide you through every step, from pre-placement health and safety visits to preparing placement descriptions for students. Placements range in length from 3 – 5 days or they can be extended over a longer period if required. Placements can be flexible and tailored to suit the availability of the business.
Top tips for delivery
- support the student in completing their work experience log book over the course of the week. Rotate them around as many different departments as possible
- be willing to provide the student with a formal reference regarding their time with you, these references can be the key to supporting applications for their first job