SENDIASS Factsheets and guides We have a whole range of useful factsheets and guides for to you to download and use. Download our helpful factsheets: SEND factsheets What is SEND? (PDF) What to do if I am concerned about my child's progress (PDF) SEN Support in schools (PDF) Funding for SEN Support (PDF) Education Health and Care needs assessment for children in early years settings or at school (PDF) Education, Health and Care plans (EHCP) (PDF) Annual Review factsheet (PDF) Choosing a school for a child with Special Educational Needs/ Disabilities (PDF) What if I do not agree with decisions (PDF) Personal budgets (PDF) A guide for parents/carers who are concerned that their child may be dyslexic in 全国探花 (PDF) Planning for post 16: choosing an education provider (PDF) Non-curriculum factsheets Anti-Bullying (PDF) Complaints Guidance (PDF) Elective Home Education (PDF) The Local Offer (PDF) Pastoral Support Plans (PSPs) (PDF) School Exclusions (PDF) What do we mean by impartial (PDF) Guides Making the most of meetings (PDF) Making the most of virtual and online meetings (PDF) Resources Request for an EHC Needs Assessment sample letter (Word) Glossary (PDF) Meeting Planner for Parents (Word) Policies Confidentiality Policy (PDF) Impartiality Policy (PDF) SENDIASS Privacy Notice SENDIASS Hereford and Worcester Information Charter (PDF) Information, Advice and Support Services duties to children and young people seeking information, advice and support (PDF) Also in this section SENDIASS Factsheets and guides Glossary for SEND SENDIASS Videos SENDIASS Policies Contact SENDIASS