Funding criteria, deadline dates and monitoring forms
All inclusion funding applications must complete termly monitoring forms and follow the funding criteria.
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All inclusion funding applications must complete termly monitoring forms and follow the funding criteria.
Any Private, Voluntary, Independent and School providers based in È«¹ú̽»¨ who offer Early Years provision who are not currently judged as Inadequate or Requires Improvement by Ofsted. The Early Years providers must provide places for children presenting additional needs and/or disabilities aged from 0 to 5 years old.
Please note:
If a child is in receipt of NEF Funding (2, 3 and 4-year-olds) and you are applying for GR2, GR3 and GR4 then the inclusion supplement should be applied for via the Provider Portal and payments will be included within the Actual NEF payments.
Applications are required using the online inclusion funding application form for:
On-line applications must be made via online forms and each form will be available on the ‘Inclusion Funding Application Process’ section further down this page.
Download: Local Inclusion Fund Criteria (PDF)
In order to process funding requests, we must receive funding applications by the specified deadline dates.
All funding applications require a termly monitoring form to be completed. There is no exception.
The aim of the monitoring process is to monitor the impact of the funding upon the child’s progress.
Failure to submit your monitoring form will result in funding being withheld.
The monitoring forms are monitoring the impact of the funding in the same term of which you are completing it.
Completing a monitoring form without completing an application form, will result in non-payment.
Monitoring Form Dates for Completion
The date ranges to complete and submit your monitoring forms are:
The monitoring forms need to be completed within a set time each term. The forms will be available for limited time periods only. Before and after these dates, the forms will not be available to complete.
Each termly monitoring form will be accessible immediately below this text. If the space below this text is empty, the window for providers to complete the termly funding monitoring has closed. If you have missed this deadline, please contact eyinclusion@worcestershire.gov.uk
Find out about where to get advice for families in È«¹ú̽»¨.
È«¹ú̽»¨ Virtual School is a service to support the education of care experienced children. It is not a teaching institution and does not replace the school or setting which pupils attend.