Professionals’ Toolkit
Various support documents.
Costed provision plan
A tool for costing provision for pupils with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability).
Health Referrals ToolkitÂ
Download: Health referrals toolkit (PDF)
Directory of Support for Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
Mental health support in educational settings route map
This interactive route map provides information to schools about support and services available from Universal to specialist to promote positive mental wellbeing for children and young people in educational settings.
Download: Mental health support in educational settings route map (PDF)
Refugee and asylum seeker pupil support
SEN audit RAG rated
This resource is a clear and simple self-auditing tool which allows Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCos) and other senior leaders to RAG-rate their offer in terms of its SEND provision. The short and simple tool will enable you to identify areas of good practice as well as areas for development.
SEND school provision and Education Health Care Plans (EHCP)
Special Education Needs and Disabilities support is available at every stage of education. Find out more about SEND school provision and Education Health Care Plans (EHCP)
SEND Support Plan
This is an important document in planning, teaching and reviewing tool for individual pupils with SEND. Parents or carers, the child or young person, school staff and other professionals can all add information to it.
The plan includes:
- the pupil's details
- strengths and the pupil's identified special educational needs
- details of any assessments carried out
- meeting notes and external agency involvement
- the agreed outcomes that the SEND support should achieve for the pupil
- actions towards achieving those outcomes (Assess, Plan, Do, Review)
- when the plan will be reviewed and the impact of provision in place.
- this plan should be shared with parents/carers from the earliest point and regularly reviewed in collaboration with all stakeholders.
Top up funding banding descriptors
SEND review report template
A self-auditing tool which builds on the SEN audit RAG rating tool.
It provides a template on which schools can examine their contextual data, statutory documentation and SEND breakdown analysis. The review is set out under the following seven headings and gives examples of evidence that may be seen in practice:
- Culture. Leadership and Management
- High Quality Teaching
- Use of Expertise
- Personalisation
- Flexible use of Evidence Based Strategies
- Progress Tracking
- Communication and Collaboration
Positive Behaviour Support Plan
For CYP that are displaying SEMH needs the Positive Behaviour Support Plan supports those adults working with the CYP to use Functional Behavioural Analysis to explore the behaviours, their functions and develop a plan based on this. It is designed to be used collaboratively with the adults that know the CYP best, including families and all staff that support the CYP in settings.
SEND news bulletins
SEND È«¹ú̽»¨ Bulletin Summer 1 2023 (PDF)
SEND È«¹ú̽»¨ Bulletin Summer 2 2023 (PDF)
SEND È«¹ú̽»¨ Bulletin Autumn 2023 (PDF)
SEND È«¹ú̽»¨ Bulletin Autumn 2 2023 (PDF)
SEND È«¹ú̽»¨ Bulletin Spring 1 2024 (PDF)
SEND È«¹ú̽»¨ Bulletin Spring 2 2024 (PDF)
SEND È«¹ú̽»¨ Bulletin Summer 1 2024 (PDF)
SEND È«¹ú̽»¨ Bulletin Summer 2 2024 (PDF)
SEND È«¹ú̽»¨ Bulletin Autumn 1 2024 (PDF)
Whole School and College Approach Measurement Toolkit
The purpose of this toolkit is to allow educational settings to reflect regularly on the implementation of their Whole School and College Approach (WSCA) work and track its impact on key outcomes. This can help inform their whole school and college approach work in a targeted way and act as a springboard for discussions with stakeholders.
Educational settings will be able to self-assess their WSCA implementation and outcomes using our two tools: the Implementation Self-Assessment Tool (ISAT) and the Outcomes Self-Assessment Tool (OSAT).
Schools and colleges will also be able to track the self-assessment data over time and develop their WSCA work, making adjustments where needed, based on their progress.
EHCP annual reviews
Suicide prevention
This guidance has been produced to support schools following the event of an attempted suicide by a child or young person. The guidance includes:
- immediate, medium and long term responses to an attempted suicide
- evaluation process
- Circles of Vulnerability guide
- template spreadsheet to record cases to assess for contagion
- template Terms of Reference and Agenda for a Suicide Prevention Action Group
- template Safety or Back to School Plan
Creating a setting Early Help Offer
Every setting should have a clear Early Help Offer for families on their website. The link below send you to the Early Help Offer page that provides a template to settings of what is required from their offer: