Transitions information
Many young people in transition who move in to Shared Lives have previously been fostered.
Transition from fostering to Shared Lives – Shared Lives Plus guidance
Many young people in transition who move in to Shared Lives have previously been fostered. Although the principles of living with an individual or family in their home is the same, there are some important differences between Fostering and Shared Lives. The following information should clarify some of these differences:
Foster carers transitioning to be Shared Lives providers
Young people in transition experience a major change in moving from children’s to adult services. It may provide a smoother transition for young people with support needs to remain with their foster carers and live as an adult in the household. This requires foster carers to become Shared Lives providers. This enables young people to continue to receive the care and support they require in a familiar environment with people who love and care about them.
Certain steps need to be followed to make this possible:
- the foster child needs to be assessed by an adult social worker as having eligible care and support needs to be funded as an adult, and it is their best interest to remain living with the foster carers
- if the young person does not meet the eligibility criteria for adult social care, then a Staying Put arrangement maybe offered
- Foster Carers need to apply to be assessed and approved as Shared Lives providers by a registered Shared Lives scheme. This may involve attending meetings and undertaking training. As foster carers are used to supporting individuals, they may not understand why the need to complete new assessments or training. Although Foster Care and Shared Lives have similarities, the aim of Shared Lives is to support young people to live as adults
- the Shared Lives scheme will support foster carers to transition to Shared Lives by assessing their capacity and abilities to support the young person to have a life outside of the family home, connect the young person with their community and develop and grow as a young adult. The Shared Lives scheme will provide guidance and support to foster carers becoming Shared Lives providers
- training may take place both pre-assessment and post assessment