È«¹ú̽»¨ Apprenticeship Hub school offer
There are seven fully funded activities for schools to engage with.
È«¹ú̽»¨ Apprenticeships
È«¹ú̽»¨ Apprenticeship Hub and EBP are partnership organisations working together to provide a coordinated approach to the Skills and Apprenticeships agenda under Inspiring È«¹ú̽»¨ - creating our future workforce. Established to support schools in meeting the Gatsby benchmarks, provide students with the knowledge and understanding of Apprenticeships and support links between education and business.
Every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace and participate in at least 1 meaningful encounter with an employer (Gatsby Foundation Report for Good Career Guidance).
The main aims are:
- Help students understand the world of work, different industry sectors and job roles
- Learn from employers about work, employment, apprenticeships and the skills valued in the workplace
- Enable young people to make more informed career choices Post 16 and prepare for employment
- Support Apprenticeship applications by informing and simplifying the application process
There are 7 fully funded activities for schools to engage with. Where appropriate, activities can be delivered in school or remotely. The work experience programme is delivered as a separate chargeable activity through È«¹ú̽»¨ EBP (Education Business Partnership)
Activities Offered
Apprenticeship Talks (years 7 – 13, Parent and Teaching Staff)
Purpose: To provide impartial information advice and guidance to students, parents, or teaching staff to enable them to have a clear understanding of what is involved in an Apprenticeship programme and the opportunities available locally.
- Increased awareness and understanding of Apprenticeships, entry requirements, different levels and linking curriculum learning and subjects to careers
- Progression opportunities and Higher & Degree level Apprenticeships
- To understand how to apply for vacancies and set up alerts
Delivery:The Hub can deliver Apprenticeship talks at assemblies or to groups of students, parents or teaching staff of any size or year group. Presentation and Q&A session requires 15-30 minutes dependent on group size
Notice period: N/A dependent on availability
Apprenticeship Workshops - Vacancy search and application support (years 11-13)
Purpose: To provide impartial information advice and guidance to students to enable them to have a clear understanding of what is involved in an Apprenticeship programme and provide support with searching and applying for vacancies, setting up their apprenticeship account, applying for vacancies and managing alerts
Delivery:The Hub can deliver Apprenticeship workshops over 1 lesson period to groups of students (maximum group size 25) Presentation and Q&A with online registration. Will require Internet access, ideally using the IT suites.
Notice period: N/A dependent on availability
Industry Talks led by employers and partners (years 7-13)
Purpose: To inform on different industry sectors, job roles, qualification requirements for career progressions and what employer expectations are
Delivery: Employer visits into school to talk at assembly or to smaller groups of students (A wide range of sectors can be covered using local employers/training partners)
Notice period: 4 weeks
Industry Visit Days (years 10-13)
Purpose: To provide visits to employer premises to find out about industry sectors, job roles, qualification requirements for career progressions and what employer expectations are.
Delivery:To organise between 1-3 employer visits across different sectors over ½ or a full day for groups of up to 25 students (A wide range of sectors can be covered using local employers)
Notice period: 2 weeks
Mock Interview Day support (years 11-13)
Purpose: To provide interview experience with employers to help students prepare for the world of work. Support in helping you plan your own mock interview days and engaging employers. We have links with employers and apprenticeship
ambassadors who are happy to engage with mock interview days.
Notice period: 4 weeks
Career Fayre support (years 7-13)
Purpose: To provide the opportunity for training providers, colleges and employers to showcase their apprenticeship offer to your students at your career fair, talk about different industry sectors, provide
information advice and guidance on opportunities available and the different career pathways Post 16.
Notice period: 4 weeks
Sector Specific Workshop (years 11 - 13)
Purpose: To provide a ‘hands on’ activity workshop for students to gain and understanding of job roles and sectors:
- Engineering workshops
- Agri Tech/Land based engineering workshops.
- Digital/Cyber workshops
- Construction workshops
- Early Years and childcare workshops
- (any other sector requests can be accommodated)
Delivery: Sector specific workshops for groups of interested students (maximum group size 25) during a normal timetabled lesson which will enable students to work as a team and gain a real insight into specific sectors, job roles, types of opportunities and career pathways into the industry. The activity will include a fun’ hands on’ activity which enhances communication, team building and practical skills.
Notice period: 2 weeks
Employability Workshops (years 11 - 13)
Purpose: Employability workshops take place in a classroom environment and provide students with an understanding of the following:
- what is required during a formal application process
- application process
- writing a CV
- completing an application completing a covering letter
- local labour market information
- employability skills such as self-awareness, timekeeping and communication
Delivery: WA will deliver workshops over 1 lesson period to groups of students (maximum group size 25)
Booking Process
Call È«¹ú̽»¨ Apprenticeships on 0333 666 3 666 or email info@worcsapprenticeships.org.uk
Notice period: 2 weeks