SEND Local Offer Update
Here you will find some key updates on what the local area partnership has been working on during October. Read more about these updates here: What we’re doing to improve SEND services following the 2024 Ofsted and CQC inspection
Improving information while you wait:
- we have been developing a suite of information and resources to support families while they wait for health appointments or interventions
- an online information booklet for parent carers has been developed to provide support whilst families are waiting for children to have an Autism or ADHD diagnostic assessment – due to be published in November
Mental health and emotional wellbeing:
- Herefordshire and È«¹ú̽»¨ Health and Care NHS Trust is developing a list of support and services for children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health
- work is underway to establish the new the Children and Young People’s Early Intervention and Preventative Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing service for 0-25 year olds. It is too early to share what the service might look like yet, but we are hopeful that new services will be in place by 1 April 2025 as planned
- we have seen the launch of Lumi Nova; a digital therapy platform for children and young people aged 7-12 years old
Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs):
- the SEND team is making sure new EHCP requests within the same family are assigned to the same Case Work Officer – allowing families to have a single point of contact for updates.
Feedback and coproduction:
- September marked the launch of È«¹ú̽»¨ Parent Carer Forum’s (WPCF) new SEND ‘Views & Voices’ events. This is a programme of 50+ events now rolling out across È«¹ú̽»¨ offering peer support, friendly advice and SEND system empowerment. Keep up to date with future events on the WPCF Facebook page
- we met with the Youth Cabinet to ask for their thoughts about how the Local Area Partnership could improve how SEND services connect with children and young people with SEND. They talked about connecting to other youth groups, suggesting how to improve the reach to children and young people with SEND via social media and exploring the use of digital technology