
What can you do to support someone experiencing domestic abuse? 

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Domestic abuse can come in many forms. It’s important to understand that it’s not just about physical violence. 

We know that psychological and emotional abuse can destroy your self-worth, confidence, and sense of being.  It also includes sexual, economic abuse and coercive and controlling behaviour. 

Would you know how to spot the signs, and support a colleague, friend or family member experiencing domestic abuse? 

This is just the kind of knowledge and information, which people can access at this year's White Ribbon Conference.

This conference is part of the international 16 days of action to end violence against women and girls every year. 

It commences on 25 November, which is the UN day for the elimination of violence against women and concludes on the 10th December, which is International Human Rights day.

The White Ribbon Conference is hosted by Herefordshire and ȫ̽ councils. It has now become an annual event which will take place on Friday 24 November 2023 via Microsoft Teams from 9:30am to 3.15pm.   

The event is free to sign up to and part of the White Ribbon UK, 16 Days of Action campaign. This year the theme is #ChangeTheStory and asks everyone to play their part in calling in tackling domestic abuse, which sadly is at epidemic proportions.  


Councillor Karen May, cabinet member for Health and Wellbeing said: "Increasing our knowledge and confidence around this subject is a key part of our approach to tackling violence against women, girls and all victims of abuse across our two communities. This year we will be hearing about businesses and what they can to do support this issue. So we urge business owners and leaders to sign up and find out what they can do to play their part."  


Martin Lakeman conference organiser added: “This is such an important issue and increasing your understanding of what we all can do will have a huge impact on those who are experiencing domestic abuse. No one should have to suffer in silence The conference is open to anyone, there is no cost to join us online and you can be anonymous.” 

To book your free place and receive the joining link, please


White Ribbon UK is a national charity engaging men and boys to end violence against women and girls. The theme for this year’s White Ribbon UK campaign is #ChangeTheStory. This starts with challenging harmful attitudes, systems and behaviours, that contribute towards violence/abuse. 

If you want to learn more about becoming a white Ribbon Ambassador/champion, then visit

There’s a particular call out to men to stand up and say NO! 

We hope this conference will do just that and encourage all of us to make that difference.