
Surface dressing season comes to a close

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Travel and roads
Contractors resurfacing a road

More than 120 miles of roads have been resurfaced in ȫ̽ by the County Council this year – the equivalent of travelling from Worcester to London - prolonging the life span of road surfaces by more than 10 years. 

A total of 180 roads have been treated during this year’s Surface Dressing Programme, despite the challenges brought on by the unusually wet weather. The programme started in April and has moved around the towns and villages of ȫ̽.

Jon Fraser, ȫ̽ County Council Highways Team, said: “Surface dressing is an important part of ȫ̽ County Council’s road maintenance programme to prevent deterioration of the roads, improve skid resistance and protect roads against water, preventing potholes forming in the winter. Without it, we’d be carrying out far more disruptive and costly reactive work on a more regular basis.”

Surface Dressing is a nationally recognised maintenance technique and works by coating an existing road with bitumen, covering it with stone chippings and then rolling it.  

The Surface Dressing process is highly weather dependent and can often be delayed due to rain or soaring temperatures.

Residents and businesses are usually given a generous operational ‘window’ during which the works will take place to enable the delivery of works to be flexible.

To find out more about surface dressing go to the dedicated pages of the County Council's website.