Hosted by ȫ̽ County Council, the recent Libraries Unlocked Introduction Event at St John’s Library was a hit!
Over 65 people have now signed up, showing just how eager the community is for this exciting scheme.
Attendees were keen to learn how Libraries Unlocked worked and wasted no time signing up. They also took the chance to share their ideas with library staff on ways to make the most out of this fantastic service. Every day, Monday through Saturday, library staff will be available to assist customers during the libraries most popular hours.
Thanks to new technology, Libraries Unlocked is set to transform the way residents engage with their local libraries, offering extended access hours from 8 am to 8 pm, Monday to Saturday.
Members can enjoy a range of services, including borrowing and returning books, utilising free library computers and Wi-Fi, accessing dedicated study spaces, participating in community events, and hiring meeting rooms.
Once launched, library customers who are 15 and over, will be able to upgrade to free Libraries Unlocked membership and use the library outside staffed opening hours from 8am and 8pm, Monday to Saturday.
Councillor Marcus Hart, Cabinet Member for Communities ȫ̽ at ȫ̽ County Council was thrilled to hear of such a positive response from our community adding: “Libraries are at the heart of our communities across ȫ̽, and I’m very pleased that we’re developing new approaches that work around our residents’ busy lives.”
Early adopters of Libraries Unlocked echoed these sentiments, commenting that it’s:
" A Brilliant idea and it's enabled us as a family to access the library more."
“As a working Mum, extended hours have allowed us to pop in at times the library wouldn’t be open normally.”
“Best thing ȫ̽ Libraries have done since the introduction of self-service.”
For more information on Libraries Unlocked and participating libraries, please visit the Libraries Unlocked webpages on the ȫ̽ County Council website.