Adoption Central England (ACE) has welcomed the recently published OFSTED report on Regional Adoption Agencies – thematic inspection report (Published March 2024).
ACE is the regional adoption agency for Herefordshire, ȫ̽, Warwickshire, Coventry, and Solihull and was one of six regional adoption agencies to be inspected by OFSTED between October and December 2023. It was the first inspection of its kind since regional adoption agencies were set up in 2017 to deliver a range of adoption services on behalf of local authorities.
ACE is responsible for recruitment, preparation and assessment and ongoing support to adoptive families. It also provides an independent support service to birth family members and services to adult adoptees who are seeking access to their adoption records.
The inspection report recognised the strong practices in recruiting adoptive families and in securing permanent families for children. However, not unlike other regions in the country there is still a desperate need for more people to come forward who will consider adoption particularly for sibling groups of brothers and sisters and those children whose needs are more complex.
Brenda Vincent, Head of ACE said: “The inspection mirrors our experience in ACE. We are incredibly pleased to have approved more adoptive families over the past year and it is positive that people are actively choosing to adopt through ACE.
“However, there are always children waiting longer than is necessary for the right family to come along and we would welcome more enquiries about becoming an adoptive parent so that we can find the best possible families for those children who are waiting. The ACE website provides a lot of useful information about adoption, becoming an adoptive parent and the support available.”
The report gives acknowledgment to the therapeutic approach taken by the ACE in how it works with adoptive families throughout the process. It mentions the specific team who support birth families and how the service reviews support provided to adoptive families to ensure that it is meeting the needs of adoptive families.
Tina Russell, Chief Executive of ȫ̽ Children First, said: “We are proud to be a member of ACE and welcome the findings in the report. The support that ACE offers children and families across ȫ̽ is incredibly valuable and I would urge anyone considering adoption to reach out to them.”
Overall, the regionalisation of adoption services in ȫ̽ and the other ACE regions has been successful, with more children finding their adoptive families more quickly. A sensitive service is also offered to birth family members and going forward the service is developing its practices around ensuring that adopted children can maintain those relationships from their past that are important to them. Modern adoption is no longer shrouded in secrecy and a more enlightened and open approach is now taken.