
Have your say on proposals to transform Redditch Railway Station

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Travel and roads


People are being asked for their views on the proposals for the redevelopment of Redditch Railway Station. New illustrative plans have been released today for what the new station would look like. 

The transformation of the station is one of È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council’s most important projects and key in helping improve connectivity to the town centre. 


Councillor Marc Bayliss, È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council’s Cabinet Member for Economy, Infrastructure and Skills said:  

“I feel very positive and excited about our plans for Redditch Railway Station and I’m keen to hear the feedback from residents, businesses, and visitors to see what they think. 


“The station will be a key transport interchange and provide a welcoming gateway to the town centre, improving access to employment, education, leisure and travel opportunities. It will be brilliant to see this planned investment come to fruition, bringing benefits for years to come and becoming a station we can all be proud of.’’ 


The emerging designs for the station are both sustainable and ambitious. They include the construction of a new two-storey accessible station building with modern facilities including a ticket office, passenger waiting areas, toilets and retail unit providing increased capacity for passengers. A landscaped public space in front of the station will be created along with an upgraded crossing over Unicorn Hill to the bus interchange, the Kingfisher Centre and Redditch town centre.  New improved cycleways on Unicorn Hill and cycle storage facilities at the station will also be provided. 


People can have their say on the plans until Monday 7th August 2023. Residents, businesses and stakeholders can view the designs and comment via a feedback survey. 

This can be found under the Have Your Say tab on the dedicated Redditch Railway Station pages of the County Council website.


The project team is also hosting a couple of community drop-in events.  People can come along and find out more at the Kingfisher Centre (by Boots) on:  

•    Friday 7 July 2023 from 10am to 1pm 

•    Saturday 8 July 2023 from 10am to 1pm   


All feedback will be considered and will be used to inform the development of the proposals prior to the submission of a planning application to the local planning authority later this year.