Christine Patrick, who began her journey as a foster carer in 2007, is retiring after 18 remarkable years of service.
Christine is a foster carer for ȫ̽ County Council’s fostering service, ȫ̽ Fostering. During her fostering career, she has provided a safe and nurturing home to 29 children through a combination of short-term and respite care.
A devoted mother of five and proud grandparent to six grandchildren and one great grandchild, Christine has cared for children of all ages and needs—from premature babies overcoming withdrawal to spirited 4-year-olds and teenagers navigating their formative years.
Christine’s journey into fostering began when she was seeking a change from her job and came across a notice in the local paper about an information session on fostering. With her children away at university, she decided to attend the session—bringing one of her children along to the first meeting. Together, they explored what fostering would involve, ensuring the whole family understood the commitment it required.
Christine said: “Despite having five birth children, I knew I had that capacity to love them and love more. I consider myself blessed to have had these children. Life doesn’t turn out the way you planned and hoped. I feel lucky. You can do something. You can do something good.”
Christine looked after 12 babies in the latter part of her fostering career, 11 of whom went on to be adopted. She said: “I’ve lasting memories when adopters meet the baby for the first time – and that’s lovely. I can hear one adopter saying, ‘I’ll never forget, Chris, when you put her in my arms.’ She’s always going to remember that. And I got to play a small part in her journey to motherhood. It’s so rewarding, so rewarding.”
Christine couldn’t have fostered for so long without the support of her family and she said how positive it has been for her birth children growing up in a fostering family: “They’re non-judgemental, compassionate - they are a lot more capable as first-time mums because they learned a lot!”
Councillor Steve Mackay, ȫ̽ County Council Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Children and Families said: “We’d like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Christine for her remarkable 18 years of service as a foster carer. Christine’s retirement marks the conclusion of an inspiring chapter, but her contributions will have a lasting impact on the children and young people she has cared for. We are profoundly grateful for all she has done and wish her the very best in her well-deserved retirement.”
Christine will be using her time to spend more time with her grandchildren and great grandchild, and said they gave her that final nudge to retire. Speaking about her retirement, Christine said: “Fostering was my life and retiring, though right, has left a big hole. It’ll take a lot of adjustment and time. It was a very fulfilling job – I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t do it.”
Anyone interested in finding out more about fostering can attend a pop-up information event at St Helen’s, Fish Street, Worcester on Friday 14 February or Friday 14 March; or join an online session on 11 February or 13 March. Visit ȫ̽ Fostering to find out more or call 0800 028 2158.