Multi Agency Levels of Need Guidance
Guidance to help support children, young people and families in the county. Updated September 2021.
Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) requires the safeguarding partners to publish a threshold document which sets out the local criteria for action when an early help response and the criteria for making a referral to local authority children’s social care. Effective early help relies upon local organisations and agencies working together to:
- identify children and families who would benefit from early help
- undertake an assessment of the need for early help
- provide targeted early help services to address the assessed needs of a child and their family which focuses on activity to improve the outcomes for the child
Local authorities, under section 10 of the Children Act 2004, have a responsibility to promote inter-agency co-operation to improve the welfare of all children The terms ‘early help’ and ‘early intervention’ are often used interchangeably, and this can cause confusion.
The Department for Education and Ofsted both use the term ‘Early Help’ and this has also been adopted by È«¹ú̽»¨. The term refers to the support which is needed for children and families at the first sign of additional unmet needs, at any point in the child’s life from pre-birth through to 18 years. Providing the right help at the earliest opportunity can help to solve problems before they become more pressing and complex and avert the need for statutory intervention later on in their life.
This document is intended to assist professionals to make decisions about how to respond to the needs of the children, young people and families they are in contact or working with. It is not intended to be prescriptive or exhaustive or is a definitive way to open or close a gateway to a particular service or range of services. Every child and family are unique, and their needs should be considered on a case-by-case basis and decisions made using professional judgement, supported by this guidance