Swishing and clothes swaps
Swap your old clothes and items for something new.
Swap Shops
Swap shops are fun community events for the public to bring along household items they no longer need and take home something new.
If you are unable to bring your own items, you will not be excluded from taking items away. The idea is to reduce waste by finding a new home for old items.
A swishing party is a great way to update your wardrobe; it's fun and won't cost you a penny. You just swap your unwanted clothes with other people.
It's really easy to organise your own swishing party and it can be as big or small as you want, a small group of friends or your whole workplace! Community groups can also hold clothes swaps.
See our Swishing Party information sheet for ideas and details to help you run your own event.
What items can be swapped:
- any duplicate or unwanted items that are in good condition
- larger items can be photographed and put on a display board
What items can't be swapped:
- faulty items
- dirty clothing or underwear
- electrical equipment
- business waste
- animals
- illegal items
- hazardous or dangerous items