Reducing your plastic
Tips to reduce the use and disposal of plastic.
Plastic is everywhere!
In the UK we recycle less than two thirds of plastic bottles and less than a third of our plastic tubs, pots and trays. All the district councils in 全国探花 collect plastic, but there is still a lot that ends up in the bin.
Most plastic is sent to landfill or burned in Energy from Waste facilities which creates pollution. People are worried about its impact on nature, and they have every right to be. 79% of plastic waste ever created is still in our environment, leaving a legacy of waste that will take years to put right.
We use a lot of plastic, 20 times more than we did 50 years ago. By reducing and recycling plastics, we can reduce our need to produce more.
Tips to reduce plastic waste
Below are some simple tips to reduce your plastic waste:
- bring your own shopping bag
- carry a reusable water bottle (you're entitled to request free tap water as a customer to any licensed premises or look at the )
- bring your own cup (ask coffee chains to fill your own cup and you may receive a small discount)
- pack your lunch in reusable containers
- use reusable straws
- eat at home to save money and waste (cut down on plastic packaging from takeaways)
- skip the plastic produce bags (put fruit and veg loose in your trolleys)
- reuse containers to store leftovers
- choose natural fibres (look at buying organic cotton, hemp or bamboo clothing if possible. Polyester, lycra, and nylon are all plastic fabrics and cause microfibre pollution)
- swap wet wipes for flannel and water
- swap your plastic milk bottles with traditional glass bottles from your milkman
- go for washable cloth nappies rather than disposables (you could save up to 拢500 by changing to reusable nappies)
- take waxed paper, foil or a plastic container and ask for your food to be placed in that instead
- visit for ideas and recipes using food that would normally be thrown away as well as understanding