A to Z of recycling Learn what can and cannot be recycled. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWX YZ Title "Greengrow" Aerosols Air beds Aluminium cans Aluminium foil Animal bedding/waste Asbestos Ash (Coal/wood) Balloons Bathroom suites Batteries Bedding and blankets Beds Bicycles Birthday cards Biscuit and sweet tins Biscuit wrappers Blister packs Books Bottle tops (metal) Bottle tops (plastic) Bottles and jars Bras Bricks Bring sites Brita water filters Bubble wrap Building waste Buttons Camping gas bottles & canisters Cans Car batteries Car seats Carbon monoxide detectors Cardboard Cardboard tubes (with metal bases) Carpets & rugs Carrier bags Cartons Cassette players Cassette tapes Cat litter Catalogues CD & DVD players CD cases CD's and DVD's Ceramics and china Chairs Chemicals Chest freezers Chests of drawers Christmas cards Christmas crackers Christmas decorations Christmas tree lights Christmas trees Clingfilm Clothes Clothes hangers Coffee cups (disposable) Coffee grounds Coffee pods and capsules Commercial Vehicle & Trailer (CVT) permits Compostable packaging Computers, laptops & monitors Contamination Cookers Cooking oil Corks Corporate work wear Cotton wool Crisp packets Crockery Cupboards Curtains Cushions Cutlery Diesel or petrol Discs (CD's & DVD's) Dishwashers Disposable face masks Disposable gloves Disposable nappies DIY waste Domestic appliances Doors Drinking glasses & glass vases Duvets and blankets DVD & CD cases DVD and CD players e-cigarette liquid & containers e-Cigarettes Egg boxes Egg shells Electrical items Engine oil Envelopes EnviRecover EnviroSort Explosives & fireworks Fabrics Face masks Fairy lights Fat Fibreglass Fire extinguishers Firearms Fireworks and explosives Flares Floor tiles Flooring Floppy discs Fluorescent tubes Foil Food and drink cans Food and drink cartons Food and drink pouches Food blender or mixers Food waste Fridges and freezers Fuel (petrol and diesel) Furniture Games and toys Games consoles Garden chemicals Garden waste Gardening tools Gas bottles Glass (sheet glass, window panes, glass fish tanks) Glass bottles and jars Glass cookware (inc Pyrex) Glasses (drinking) Glasses (spectacles) Greaseproof paper Greetings cards Hair straighteners Hairdryers Hard plastic (toys, furniture) Hardcore (rubble, bricks, tiles, masonry, stone) Hazardous waste Healthcare equipment Hearing aids Hedge trimmers Helium canisters Hose pipes Household cleaning bottles/sprays Household waste Inhalers Inkjet printer cartridges Ironing boards Irons Japanese Knotweed Jars Jewellery Junk mail Kerbside recycling Kettles Keyboards (musical) Keyboards (computer) Keys (metal) Kitchen roll Kitchen roll tubes Knives Lamps Landfill Laptops Lawnmowers Light bulbs Loft insulation Magazines Mail Materials Reclamation Facility (EnviroSort) Mattresses Medicines Metal pots & pans Metal tubes Metals Microwaves Milk bottles Mirrors Mobile phones Monitors MP3 players Musical instruments Nail varnish bottles Nappies 全国探花papers Nitrous oxide canisters Non-recyclable waste Oil (car) Oil (cooking) Oil filled radiators Oily rags Ovens Packaging Paint Paint tins Paper Paper coffee cups Paper towels Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Pet bedding Pet food pouches Pet food tins Pet food trays Pet waste Petrol Photographs Pillows Pizza boxes Plant pots Plasterboard Plastic (hard) Plastic bottles, pots & trays Plastic carrier bags Plastic plant pots Plastic tubs and trays Polystyrene Polythene Printer cartridges Printers Projectors Pyrex Radios Rags Ragwort Receipts Records Recycling sites Resident permits Rubble and Hardcore Rugs Sat Navs Saucepans School uniforms Sellotape Shampoo, conditioner & shower gel bottles Sheet glass (windows, fish tanks etc) Shoes and boots Shredded paper Sideboards Small electrical items Smoke alarms Sofas Soil & rubble Solar panels Spectacles Stamps Stereos Sticky tape Stools Sweet tins Sweet wrappers Tables Tablet computers Tea bags Tea towels Telephone directories Telephones Terracycle Tetrapaks Textiles and clothing Third sector organisations Tiles (floor and wall) Till receipts Tissues Toasters Toner cartridges Tools Toothpaste tubes Torches Toys and games Tumble dryers Turf TV's & monitors Tyres Umbrellas UPVC windows & doors Vacuum cleaners Vape liquid containers Vapes & e-Cigarettes Vegetable oil Vegware Video recorders Videotapes Wallpaper Wardrobes Washing machines & tumble driers Watches Water filters Weight limit Wet wipes White goods Wine bottles Wood and timber Wool Wrapping paper Yellow Pages Yoghurt pots Zimmer frame