
Nudge Behaviour: Psychological Research Strategies for Healthy Dietary Choices and Behaviour Change with Dr Felix Why

Nudge Behaviour: Psychological Research Strategies for Healthy Dietary Choices and Behaviour Change with Dr Felix Why


The Hive library

Sawmill Cl
The Butts
United Kingdom



Psychological research investigating indirect methods to create healthy behavioural change has been flourishing in recent years. From moving your biscuits to the top shelf (adjusting your physical surroundings) to adding a new smell into the environment (using sensory cues) methods of changing behaviour involve a diverse set of strategies that can be applied cross-culturally with great success. 

In this session, Dr Felix Why (University of Worcester - UK) presents our recent collaborative research with the Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES - Indonesia). Our purpose for this session is to showcase how indirect methods can be incorporated into the workplace and to explore collaborative opportunities between UNNES, the University of Worcester, and the wider non-academic community for further research.

The Hive library

52.193745141066, -2.2259116172791