
Jonathan Dimbleby talks to David Olusoga

Jonathan Dimbleby talks to David Olusoga


Malvern library

38 Graham Road
WR14 2HL
United Kingdom


01905 822722


Endgame 1944: How Stalin Won the War

Prepare to be enthralled as historian David Dimbleby takes you on a journey through 1944, the year that sealed the fate of the Nazis. In conversation with fellow historian David Olusoga, Dimbleby discusses his new book Endgame 1944: How Stalin Won the War. The year is probably best know for the Allies' triumph on the beaches of Normandy, but Dimbleby takes readers beyond this to the events on the Eastern Front in 1944 that delivered the knockout blow in the Second World War.

Malvern library

52.113056423211, -2.3267170786858