
ȫ̽ Minerals Local Plan: Main Modifications Consultation (Re-Start)

Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended)

As part of the examination of the ȫ̽ Minerals Local Plan, we are seeking views on the soundness and legal compliance of proposed “Main Modifications” to the plan, the consequential changes proposed to the policies map, and the accompanying assessments.

At this stage, representations cannot be made on any other aspect of the Minerals Local Plan, and representations made at earlier stages should not be resubmitted.

Consultation previously started on 2 August 2021, but the Council identified that the proposed modifications to the crushed rock Mineral Safeguarding Areas were not shown correctly on the draft policies map (part of the ) due to the data having become corrupted. The crushed rock Mineral Safeguarding Areas displayed on the draft policies map therefore did not fully reflect the modifications proposed to Figure 7.1 within the Schedule of Main Modifications (see reference MM ab2 and Appendix E of the Schedule of Main Modifications). The previous consultation was therefore terminated on 10 August to ensure that representations about matters affected by the policies map would not be materially disadvantaged by being based on incorrect information.

It should be noted that the issue was limited to how the data supporting the Minerals Local Plan was displayed in the online interactive mapping tool and did not affect the policies or any other wording of the proposed modifications to the Minerals Local Plan, or any of the accompanying assessments.

This issue has now been rectified, and the consultation is being restarted.

The consultation will run from Tuesday 31 August 2021 to 5pm on Tuesday 12 October 2021. All responses must be made in writing and will be in the public domain.

Any representations received after the consultation closes will not be considered.

Those representations which were submitted before the original consultation was terminated will be taken into account, unless the consultee indicates in writing that they wish to withdraw or alter their representations.

All relevant documents, including a representation form and a guidance note, are available at:

  • , or can be emailed on request.

Please submit your representations either by email or post:

  • email: minerals@worcestershire.gov.uk
  • post: Freepost RTHC-XXCK-AJGY, Minerals and Waste Planning Policy, ȫ̽ County Council, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP

Please contact a member of the Mineral Planning Policy Team at minerals@worcestershire.gov.uk or on 01905 766374 if you have any queries about the consultation.

Issued by
John Hobbs, Strategic Director of Economy and Infrastructure
Directorate of Economy and Infrastructure, ȫ̽ County Council, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP
Issue date