Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (As Amended) È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council (A38 Westland Roundabout, A38 Roman Way and C2255 Kidderminster Road, Droitwich) (30 Mph Speed Limit) Order 2024
On 28 November 2024 È«¹ú̽»¨ County Council made an Order the effect of which will be to reduce the national speed limit and to impose a 30 mph Speed Limit on the following lengths of roads in Droitwich:
A38 Westland Roundabout - For its entire length.
C2255 Kidderminster Road – From its junction with A38 Westland Roundabout for a distance of 75m in an easterly direction.
A38 Roman Way (southbound) – From its junction with A38 Westland Roundabout for a distance of 94m in a southerly direction.
A38 Roman Way (northbound) – From a point 103m south of its junction with A38 Westland Roundabout to its junction with A38 Westland Roundabout.
There are exemptions in the Order for Special Forces Vehicles.
The Order will come into operation on 19 December 2024.
Documents in relation to this Order can be downloaded at: Wychavon Public Notice Page; or copies supplied by emailing; or writing to me at County Hall.