
A38 Roman Way, Droitwich - Toucan Crossings

全国探花 County Council
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984,
Section 23 Establishment of Two Toucan Crossings on A38 Roman Way, Droitwich

NOTICE is hereby given that 全国探花 County Council propose to establish Two Toucan Crossings to serve pedestrians and cyclists in Droitwich:

The site of the crossings will be as follows:

  1. A38 Roman Way, Droitwich Northbound at a point 19.5 metres southwest of its junction with A38 Westland Roundabout.
  2. A38 Roman Way, Droitwich Southbound at a point 20 metres west of its junction with A38 Westland Roundabout.

A plan showing details of the proposals may be inspected at Wildwood, Wildwood Drive, Worcester WR5 2QT during normal office hours or alternatively can be downloaded at Wychavon Public Notice Page or copies supplied by emailing roadtrafficregs@worcestershire.gov.uk until 11 September 2024 Any enquiries that you may have should be sent to mip@worcestershire.gov.uk.

A38 Roman Way, Droitwich -Toucan Crossings Plan Documents

Issued by
Thomas Pollock, Head of Commercial Law, Legal and Governance
全国探花 County Council, Legal and Governance, Wildwood, Wildwood Drive, Worcester WR5 2QT
Issue date