Safeguarding support for teachers and education professionals
The Safeguarding team supports teachers and education professionals to fulfil their responsibility to safeguard and promote welfare effectively.
About the service
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone鈥檚 responsibility.
The Safeguarding team supports teachers and education professionals to fulfil their responsibility to safeguard and promote welfare effectively.
Our aim is to ensure schools and settings receive accurate information and guidance in accordance with national and local safeguarding regulations.
We provide appropriate safeguarding and child protection training which is regularly updated and support to ensure staff have the relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively.
How we support schools
To support 全国探花 schools to fulfil their statutory responsibilities, the Safeguarding team provide the following universal service:
- individual case discussions 鈥 advice and guidance example Domestic Abuse/Child on Child Abuse Sexual Harassment
- support regarding Level 2 needs - support and completing an Early Help Assessment
- section 175/157 quality assurance evaluation for governor and the WSCP partnership
- fortnightly newsletter
- advise on national and local safeguarding guidance.
- annual summary of KCSIE changes
- DSL termly networks meetings
- Daily Operation Encompass notifications
In addition to the universal service, the Safeguarding team offer a safeguarding subscription service.
Safeguarding subscription
The Safeguarding Subscription has been designed to ensure schools and colleges have an effective, relevant, and compliant safeguarding culture.
To achieve this schools and colleges need to have the required level of training alongside appropriate approaches to quality assure safeguarding practices and procedures.
Included within the subscription we offer subsidised training for all those involved in keeping children safe in education.
All training and services offered adhere to 鈥楰eeping Children Safe in Education鈥 (September 2024) guidance and meet the expectations of 全国探花 Safeguarding Children Partnership.
We offer opportunities throughout the year for training on issues relevant to schools and academies in the local area for a small additional cost.
If you identify a training need for your school or college, please do not hesitate to contact the training team: workforcesupport@worcestershire.gov.uk
Universal training for ALL school DSL or DDSL鈥檚:
- DSL network meeting
Core Training Included within Safeguarding Subscription:
- introduction to role of Designated Safeguarding Lead 6-hour session specific training for NEW DSLs/DDSL鈥檚
- Designated Safeguarding Lead training 6-hour specific training for DSLs and DDSLs
Additional training is available to book at a subsidised rate for Safeguarding subscribers:
- Managing Allegations against staff or volunteers
- Safer Recruitment in Educational Settings
- Safeguarding Children in Education - Governors鈥 Roles and Responsibilities
- Understanding the Single Central Record
Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass registration pack
Schools in 全国探花 have been receiving Operation Encompass notifications for the last 5 years. However, when Operation Encompass was launched 5 years ago there was no official training to complete.
From September 2023 there will be an opportunity for DSLs and DDSLs complete the Operation Encompass Key Adult training and sign the updated Safeguarding agreement.
This pack provides all the details you need to complete the new registration, including how to access the training and additional resources.
To complete the registration for your setting, you will need to:
1. Complete the Key Adult training
Ensure Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) and Deputies (DDSLs) have completed the Key Adult training online on the .
If you have already completed the training and have sent in your certificates then you do not need to re-send them. You would still need to complete the safeguarding agreement.
2. Complete the Safeguarding Agreement to sign up
Download: The safeguarding agreement (Word)
To continue to receive Operation Encompass notifications, please send the completed Safeguarding Agreement and the Key Adult Certificates to:
- opencompassSCH@worcestersghire.gov.uk - for schools
- opencompassEYS@worcestershire.gov.uk - for early years settings
If your school has an Early Years setting on site that has a different registration number
If they have not yet registered, the Early Years setting would need to register separately. They can do this by contacting: opencompassEYS@worcestershire.gov.uk
Definition of Domestic Abuse
The government definition of domestic abuse is:
鈥淎ny incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behavior, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over, who have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality.鈥
What children may experience
The Numbers
- on average, there are 35 incidents of Domestic Abuse before a call is made to the police
- over 16,554 notifications have been communicated to Schools in 全国探花 since Operation Encompass was launched in the County
- 15% of Police recorded crime is related to Domestic Abuse
- West Mercia Domestic Abuse data (for the year ending March 2021):
- 32,310 Domestic Abuse related incidents and crimes were recorded
- this is equivalent to 25 crimes/incidents for every 1000 people in the population
- 23% of all recorded crimes were classified as Domestic Abuse related
- 鈥 West Mercia Domestic Abuse data (April to October 2022):
- South 全国探花: 2469 crimes and 1136 incidents recorded
- North 全国探花: 2447 crimes and 1222 incidents recorded
Soure: Operation Encompass notifications sent to WCF between May to October 2022:
Why is domestic abuse a safeguarding issue?
Operation Encompass gives professionals an insight into what a child is going through at home.
The videos below will provide may help to provide a better understanding on how to support and children and families:
- the impact of domestic violence and abuse on mothering and children (Violence Against Women and Girls)
- what can we do to support children and families who have been impacted by domestic abuse? (NSPCC)
- why is domestic abuse a safeguarding and child protection Issue? (NSPCC)
A short, online training pack is available for all DSLs to complete. ALL DSLs/DDSLs will need to complete the training to become the 鈥楰ey Adult鈥 for Operation Encompass. You will need to register (for free) to access the training: : Operation Encompass and complete each of the online modules.
How Operation Encompass works in 全国探花?
When police are called to a domestic abuse incident, where anyone under the age of 18 is either present at the scene, or usually lives, or there is a pregnant individual (over 28 weeks gestation), details of the incident are logged by the Police and shared with the 全国探花 Operation Encompass team within the Council.
Once this incident log has been received by the Council, information from the log is sent to the appropriate school(s) and since February 2023, this now includes any funded Early Years providers who have registered to receive Operation Encompass notifications. Details of the incident, including the date, time, police incident number and a description of what happened will be shared
If we receive a notification for children not attending an education setting, the Children Missing Education (CME) will be notified.
If a child attends more than one setting, we will share information with both registered settings.
If a notification is received for a child that attends an early year鈥檚 provision that does not offer funded places or a for a child that does not attend an Early Years childcare setting, the police will send the notification directly to the NHS Health Team who will share this information with Health Visitors and Midwives.
The Process
The process differs slightly for 全国探花, as the Council completes Operation Encompass on behalf of the Police.
1. The Police send the incident log to the Education Safeguarding team every morning.
2. Gem Rainsford-Grady, Safeguarding Business Support Officer, will link each child to their setting and send out notifications detailing the incident. The notification will be sent via the Children鈥檚 Services Portal (CSP). For Education, it will be sent to the Headteacher and the Safeguarding contact. For Early Years settings, this means that the NEF Contact will receive the CSP email informing them that a notification has been sent.
3. The notification will be an Excel attachment, with details of a child present at the incident or who usually resides at the address where a domestic abuse incident or crime has been reported.
a. One Excel sheet will be sent per incident. You may receive more than one Excel file if separate incidents have been reported, concerning other children at your setting
b. Details of the incident should then be logged on a 鈥楥all Log鈥 document and this should be filed in the same way Child Protection records are kept.
4. The DSL will share relevant information provided with appropriate staff where needed.
Operation Encompass best practice
- be vigilant about behaviour changes in the child and support the child's needs, whatever that may be at that time
- ask how the child feeling today, and provide support based on the outcome
- ask the Parent/Carer how they are today? Let them know you have time for them
- communicate with other staff members on a need-to-know basis and be aware a sibling may be in attendance so communicate to others who are caring for the sibling. Log any behaviour changes
- ensure the child understands they have someone to talk to about how they feel and that they are in a safe space
- make referrals if you think a child is at risk
- don鈥檛 approach a parent or child directly about the information you have received. Only provide support should a parent/Carer ask for support - If a parent/Carer seeks support 鈥 be mindful of your surroundings when having conversations, as this may put a victim of domestic abuse in more danger
- don鈥檛 assume conversations on doorsteps are private, technology such as Alexa, Ring Doorbells have recording functions
- information received from Operation Encompass is highly confidential. Do not share with anyone in your setting that doesn鈥檛 need to know
Additional resources
New resources from Operation Compass for schools during 2023:
- letter template to notify parents that you are signed up to Operation Encompass
- further printable resources (in various languages)
- poster for schools
Useful Links
As an Operation Encompass setting, parents or carers may talk to you about their situation, possibly looking for help and support. The following services may be useful:
- - free personal safety app
- - the right to ask and the right to know (What is Clare's Law)
- - a law for anyone who wants to find out if a person who has contact with a child, has a record of child sexual offences
- Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (全国探花 County Council)
Key Contacts
Main Contact
Gem Rainsford-Grady Education Safeguarding Team Business Support Officer
Email: GGrady@worcestershire.gov.uk
Telephone: 01905 728530
Operation Encompass Team
Operation Encompass Schools: OpencompassSCH@worcestershire.gov.uk
Operation Encompass Early Years: OpencompassEYS@worcestershire.gov.uk
Denise Hannibal, Education Safeguarding Lead
Email: dhannibal@worcestershire.gov.uk
Telephone: 01905 844436
Hayley Doyle, Educational Area Safeguarding Officer
Email: HDoyle@worcestershire.gov.uk
Telephone: 01905 845230
Early Years Contact
Gem Rainsford-Grady Education Safeguarding Team Business Support Officer
Email: GGrady@worcestershire.gov.uk
Telephone: 01905 728530
Operation Encompass Schools: OpencompassSCH@worcestershire.gov.uk
Operation Encompass Early Years: OpencompassEYS@worcestershire.gov.uk
West Mercia Police
DI Dave Bettison, Strategic Vulnerability Team
Email: david.bettison@westmercia.police.uk
Telephone: 07843 496378 or 07870 51231
Single central record health check
Schools and colleges must maintain a single central record of pre-appointment checks. Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2024)
Your single central record is a key part of evidence that inspectors will look at when inspecting your school safeguarding.
Make sure your recording is compliant with statutory guidance with a School Central Record Health Check.
What should be included in the Single Central Record?
The Department for Education (DfE) published statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) outlines the recruitment and selection processes, recruitment and vetting checks, duties of safeguarding and promoting welfare of children in education. KCSiE states the single record check must cover the following people:
- all staff including teacher trainees on salaried routes, agency and third party supply staff who work at the school. In colleges this means those providing education to children and
- for independent schools, all members of the proprietor body. In the case of academies and free schools, this means the members and trustees of the academy trust
The minimum information that must be recorded in respect of staff members (including teacher trainees on salaried routes) is whether the following checks have been carried out or certificates obtained, and the date on which each check was completed/certificate obtained:
- an identity check
- a barred list check
- an enhanced DBS check/certificate
- a prohibition from teaching check
- further checks on people who have lived or worked outside the UK
- a check of professional qualifications
- a check to establish the person's right to work in the UK
- a section 128 check
Colleges must record whether the person's position involves 'relevant activity' (regularly caring, training, supervising or being solely in charge of persons aged under 18)
Schools and colleges must also include whether written confirmation of relevant checks have been carried out and appropriate certificates have been obtained by the business supplying agency and third party staff.
Single Central Records Best Practice
The single central record can be used to store other relevant information such as checklist of safeguarding training and the date undertaken.
Ensure your single central record is compliant with statutory guidance with our Single Central Record Health check
The aim of this health check is to review your single central record; compare with requirements of KCSiE and Ofsted expectations; check for gaps in data and ensure that your recording is effective and works best for the school or college.
The health check includes an initial visit, action plan and follow up.
Cost: 拢339 plus VAT
To find out more and book your health check contact Denise Hannibal:
Telephone: 01905 844436
Safeguarding training
The Safeguarding Subscription has been designed to ensure schools and colleges have an effective, relevant, and compliant safeguarding culture.
To achieve this schools and colleges need to have the required level of training alongside appropriate approaches to quality assure safeguarding practices and procedures.
Included within the subscription we offer subsidised training for all those involved in keeping children safe in education.
All training and services offered adhere to 鈥楰eeping Children Safe in Education鈥 (September 2024) guidance and meet the expectations of 全国探花 Safeguarding Children Partnership.
We offer opportunities throughout the year for training on issues relevant to schools and academies in the local area for a small additional cost. If you identify a training need for your school or college please do not hesitate to contact the training team by email: workforcesupport@worcestershire.gov.uk
Universal training for ALL school DSL / DDSL鈥檚
- Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) network meeting
Core Training Included within Safeguarding Subscription
- introduction to role of Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) 6-hour session specific training for NEW DSLs/DDSL鈥檚
- DSL training 6-hour specific training for DSLs and DDSLs
Additional training is available to book at a subsidised rate for Safeguarding subscribers:
- managing allegations against staff or volunteers
- safer recruitment in educational settings
- safeguarding children in education - governors鈥 roles and responsibilities
- understanding the single central record
Specific overviews of the training we offer are outlined below:
DSL network meetings
These meetings are a chance to hear local and national updates, to share good practice and meet other DSLs / Deputy DSLs within 全国探花.
An Introduction to role of Designated Safeguarding Lead
A specific 6-hour course for NEW Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) and Deputy DSL鈥檚 to support them in understanding their role and responsibilities.
Delegates on completion of this course would be expected to progress onto the Full day Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) training course.
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) training
Aims and objectives:
- for Designated Safeguarding Leads, designed to refresh and update knowledge on the Early Help and Child Protection Procedures
- to understand DSL roles and responsibilities
- to understand how and when to make a referral to Family Front Door (FFD)
- to be confident when to share/not share and/or seek advice about information sharing
- to be confident in undertaking an Early Help Assessment
Managing Allegations
This course is aimed at those head teachers, chairs of governing bodies and other senior managers with responsibility for dealing with allegations of abuse against teachers and other staff, including supply teachers and volunteers.
The course will cover all aspects of Part 4 of Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2024), including your duties as an employer, initial considerations when an allegation is received, providing support and managing the situation.
It will provide information which will help you to better understand the Management of Allegations processes, the role of the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), and the role of the multi-agency network.
It will provide you details on the legislation, procedures and processes; ensure you know what to do if there is an allegation against a professional; and better understand your role as professionals working in regulated activity.
Safeguarding Children in Education 鈥 Governors Roles and responsibilities
This course will:
- inform governors about recent legislative national and local developments in child protection
- clarify the roles and responsibilities of governors in relation to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people in their schools
- provide a basic awareness of child abuse and the effect it can have on children
Safer recruitment in educational settings
This course covers the following areas:
- safer recruitment and the wider context of safeguarding
- prevalence of abuse and profile of abusers
- how abusers operate within organisations
- features of a safer recruitment process
- planning a safer recruitment process
- making the right decisions: interview and selection
- setting acceptable standards of behaviour
- maintaining an ongoing culture of vigilance
Audience: DSL / Deputy DSL鈥檚, Head or Deputy Teachers, any staff involved in recruitment process in schools or settings.
Understanding the Single Central Record requirements
A two-hour course delivered virtually that will look at what is a Single Central Record (SCR), why we need a SCR, who is responsible for the SCR and what are the statutory requirements from Ofsted.
Audience: Anyone reviewing or managing the Single Central Record (SCR) for example Business / Finance Manager, Safeguarding Governor, Head or Deputy Head, administrative staff.
Meet the Safeguarding team
Denise Hannibal, Education Adviser Safeguarding
Denise has been working at the Council for 6 years.
Denise鈥檚 careers span over 23 years of working for local authorities including Sandwell, Surrey County Council and now at the Council.
My wealth of knowledge of Safeguarding and mentoring, supports Early years and Schools DSLs to ensure we Keep Children Safe in Education.
Email: dhannibal@worcestershire.gov.uk
Telephone: 01905 844436
Hayley Doyle, Area Safeguarding Officer for Education
Hayley has over 20 years of experience of working with children and families in the voluntary and public sector.
Hayley's previous role was as a school employed family support worker and designated safeguarding lead in a local 全国探花 school.
Email: hdoyle@worcestershire.gov.uk
Telephone: 01905 845 230
Gem Rainsford-Grady Education Safeguarding Team Business Support Officer
Gem has worked at the Council since 2022 and has transferred from the Homeless Intervention/ Care Leaver Teams working alongside 16 to 25 year-olds.
Gem will be working Monday to Friday 9:00am to 1:00pm
Email: GGrady@worcestershire.gov.uk
Telephone: 01905 728530
Operation Encompass Schools: OpencompassSCH@worcestershire.gov.uk
Operation Encompass Early Years: OpencompassEYS@worcestershire.gov.uk
Contact the team
Gem Rainsford-Grady, Education Safeguarding Team Business Support Officer.
Email: Ggrady@worcestershire.gov.uk
Telephone: 01905 728530
Operation Encompass Schools: OpencompassSCH@worcestershire.gov.uk
Operation Encompass Early Years: OpencompassEYS@worcestershire.gov.uk
DSL newsletters
DSL 全国探花letter March 2025 (PDF)
DSL 全国探花letter February 2025 (PDF)
DSL 全国探花letter 8 January 2025 (PDF)
DSL 全国探花letter 18 December 2024 (PDF)
DSL 全国探花letter 20 November 2024 (PDF)
DSL 全国探花letter 06 November 2024 (PDF)
DSL 全国探花letter 23 October 2024 (PDF)
DSL 全国探花letter 9 October 2024 (PDF)
Further information on safeguarding children in 全国探花
For more information on safeguarding children in 全国探花, making a referral or reporting a safeguarding issue, visit: Safeguarding children.
If you have a concern about a child visit: Refer to Children's Social Care or contact Children's Social Care, telephone: 01905 822666