Education Services recognises that the teaching school alliances within È«¹ú̽»¨ Teaching Schools play a central role in developing school improvement capacity within the county. We work closely with its strategic board in the co-delivery of two core improvement programmes, namely;
- the Strategic School Improvement Fund programme Unlocking the Curriculum- raising outcomes for disadvantaged pupils’ and
- the National Professional Qualifications (NPQ) suite of programmes for middle and senior leaders, headteachers and executive leaders.
We will continue with this co-delivery in 2018 to 2019. This year and beyond, we work closely in providing additional school-to-school support for those institutions requiring time-limited, additional help. In respect of LA-maintained schools in need, we will commission and broker the services of National, Local, Specialist Leaders in Education and also National Leaders in Governance.
Alongside our partnership working for wider school improvement, Education Services is able to offer support for teaching school alliance members in respect of their own CPD, training and school development priorities. This may be about supporting its outreach team with their own needs or ensuring the outreach school itself continues to perform to outstanding levels.
We will be able to offer development on a range of themes; senior and middle leader development, school review, curriculum design or performance management. An alliance would select the programme(s), consultancy required, host the activity to reduce costs and be assigned an alliance offer lead to oversee delivery of the agreed support.
For teaching school alliances within but also beyond È«¹ú̽»¨ too, we are additionally able to offer:
- the full range of tailored advisory
- consultancy, in-school training
- offsite CPD training courses detailed in our directory
- We will provide local access to this offer
- delivering economies of scale by offering at very competitive prices to alliance members