Inclusion Pupil Premium
Inclusion in education is a whole setting approach to ensure every child and young person learns and participates together.
Schools and settings have a duty to provide an inclusive education for all children.
Inclusion in education promotes the full inclusion of children and young people with additional and special needs within mainstream education, where children are educated alongside their peers within their local community.
The inclusion of all children and young people in education reflects the ethos that it is not for children with additional needs to be integrated into mainstream educational settings, but that education as a whole should be fully inclusive of all children.
We offer a fresh viewpoint to support and develop the effectiveness of systems and processes; to ensure good outcomes for vulnerable pupil groups.
Education inclusion policy
Policy on Education Inclusion
It will support all settings and provision in achieving the five Every Child Matters (ECM) outcomes which are central to every aspect of provision for children and young people.
Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is additional funding available to schools maintained by the local authority. Find out more information on the services we can provide.
Contact the School Improvement Team
To discuss your Pupil Premium requirements.
Email: schoolImprovement@worcestershire.gov.uk
Telephone: 01905 844490