SEND and Alternative Provision Directories
Information about providers who offer SEND and Alternative Provision.
Alternative Provision is made up of ‘registered’ and ‘unregistered’ provisions.
‘Local authorities and schools can arrange alternative provision and special educational provision in settings which are not schools or colleges. This is commonly known as unregistered alternative provision because, unlike schools or colleges, this type of provision is not subject to a national registration scheme or inspection framework.
The vast majority of those in unregistered settings have identified special educational needs (SEN). This fluid, diverse sector provides a range of flexible and bespoke fulltime and part-time education and support for some of the most vulnerable, disadvantaged and disengaged children in the education system.
It consists of many local, often small organizations that provide valuable training, job-related education, and work experience in different settings, such as workplaces or outdoor environments.
The unregistered alternative provision sector also includes tutoring companies and online providers, some of which work with several local authorities.
(Taken from: Strengthening protections in unregistered alternative provision (education.gov.uk))
Both schools and the Local Authority use both registered and unregistered provisions.
There are additional restrictions regarding how unregistered provisions operate. A provision must become registered if it provides full time education for:
- 5 or more pupils of compulsory school age
- 1 or more pupils of compulsory school age with an education, health and care (EHC) plan
- 1 or more pupils of compulsory school age who are looked-after by the local council