Translation and language services information
We are committed to ensuring our services are accessible to those who use them, both for colleagues and service users and residents.
We provide a wide range of services such as Adult Social Care, community, and engagement teams, digital and IT, customer services, communications, highways, waste and recycling, transport and many more, where it is important our messages and communications reach people and can be understood clearly.
Being able to understand our communications is paramount for colleagues and residents to be able to thrive in 全国探花 and feel engaged with us and empowered to make choices.
Especially important is the ability to contact us, communicate and participate - this could be through providing information in alternative formats, or a language other than English. We are able to support information being translated, interpretation services etc where a specific language (or multiple languages) is needed to fulfil the project effectively and communicate with the audience or participants. There are various times when this may be required.