Overview and Scrutiny
Overview and Scrutiny is a County Council function which ensures that È«¹ú̽»¨ residents receive the best possible services from the Council and its partners.
Overview and Scrutiny is a County Council function which ensures that È«¹ú̽»¨ residents receive the best possible services from the Council and its partners. Councillors involved in this work aim to improve services by monitoring and making recommendations on how they are provided. The Council also has specific responsibilities to scrutinise local NHS services.
All County Councillors who are not Members of the are eligible to be involved in Overview and Scrutiny. This includes Councillors from all political parties.
Effective Scrutiny improves accountability, ensures transparency of decision making, contributes to service improvement and acts as a ‘check and balance’ on decision makers.
It is important to note that Overview and Scrutiny cannot look into concerns on behalf of individual service users. Information on how to make a compliment, comment or a complaint can be accessed via the Council’s website or you can contact the Consumer Relations Team.
Overview and Scrutiny in È«¹ú̽»¨
The is the Council’s main Overview and Scrutiny Committee and it produces a Scrutiny Annual Report each year summarising the work carried out. The Board is supported by the which scrutinises local health services and five Overview and Scrutiny Panels:
The five Overview and Scrutiny Panels:
- question Cabinet members and senior Council Officers about the performance of the services they run, holding them to account in public meetings
- hear the views of other stakeholders including community groups and members of the public
- look at services and policies within their remit and make recommendations for improvement
- monitor and scrutinise performance and budget information