Support and guidance resources.
Information on how to check if you or a member of your family need a MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccination is available from:
Dates for MMR clinics are available on the Measles Pop-up Vaccination Clinics page.
Health, support, advice, and resources
Chat Health, a free and confidential text service which puts 11–19-year-olds in touch with their local school health nurses
Support individuals to take control of their health and look after themselves by making connections with different types of community support.
Groups and activities for young people
Sexual health
The Branch Project works with children and young people who have experienced child sexual exploitation (CSE), or are worried about it, throughout È«¹ú̽»¨, Herefordshire and Shropshire. As part of WMRSASC (West Mercia Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre) we are able to offer families additional services such as the family independent sexual violence advocacy service which can provide support to parents whilst the Branch project supports the child. Please click on the following documents for more information.
Branch Technology Assisted Child Sexual Exploitation (TA-CSE) (PDF)
WISH provides free and confidential advice, information and support around relationships and sexual health. This is a confidential, non - judgemental service. WISH provides contraception including LARC and free condoms. WISH provide testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections.
The death of a loved one or close friend is one of the most difficult times in each of our lives. Whether this is expected, following a long-term illness, or sudden and unexpected, the grieving process is deeply personal.
Bereavement support for children and young people following the death of a sibling, parent or a person important to a child.
Drug and alcohol services
- support for children whose parents are alcoholics
works with children and young people up to the age of 18 living in È«¹ú̽»¨ to provide alcohol and drug support.
They also offer advice, support and guidance for children, young people and family members of any age to cope with someone else’s drug or alcohol misuse as part of the È«¹ú̽»¨ Family Support Service.